Social Media Marketing Campaigns

You may not think of social media marketing as a paid search campaign, but in order to maximize your visibility on social media platforms, paid social media is a must these days. Not only are consumers spending upwards of two hours per day on social media sites, but almost 90 percent of marketers also say their social marketing efforts have increased exposure for their business, and 75 percent say they’ve increased traffic.

However, social media marketing these days is pay-to-play. For example, Facebook’s news algorithm has it so users only see roughly 2 percent of branded posts in their news feed. Paying for ads allows you to reach people that you may not have been able to reach organically.

Whether you’re just getting started with social media marketing or you’re looking to fine-tune your existing campaign, the PPC (pay per click) specialists at Blue Corona are ready to help with every aspect of your social media campaign management—from tracking setup to content creation and more.

Social Media Advertising Platforms

Facebook advertising Services

With over 2 billion monthly active users, you are guaranteed to reach your desired audience through Facebook. Use the leading social media platform to grow your business.

Twitter advertising Services

Increase brand recognition through Twitter. Twitter has over 330 million users and is used by all ages, from 18-64. Build trust and relationships through a trusted platform.

LinkedIn advertising Services

Reach up to 500 million decision-makers and professionals through the most popular social media platform for business owners. Most of LinkedIn’s audience is college educated and over 25 years old.

Instagram advertising Services

A picture says a thousand words. Use one of the most engaging social media platforms that over 60% of people use to discover new products. Start building your audience today.

Pinterest advertising Services

Use the best social media platform for businesses that sell consumer goods. Reach up to 400 million users, and an audience that is primarily middle-high income women.

YouTube advertising Services

Over 90 percent of Internet users claim that video plays a big role in purchasing decisions. Unlike television, you can target your ad only to your target audience. Plus, advertising on YouTube is as easy as connecting it to your Google Ads account.

Types of Social Media Ads we providing

Within each platform, there are specific types of ads that work to help meet a specific goal. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest all have similar objectives:

LinkedIn has a smaller (but growing) buffet of options:

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